Heron School is a private, secondary school located in Moab, Utah serving exceptional learners ages 13-18. Heron School supports all learning profiles and specializes in working with neurodivergent learners as well as students labeled as twice-exceptional or “2e” (an above grade level learner academically gifted or talented in one or more areas of interest and has a qualifying learning <dis>ability such as autism, dyslexia, and/or ADHD).

academic rigor - social emotional learning - unlocking the gifts of exceptional students

Academics + Educational Framework

Students of Heron School thrive through individualized, project-based curriculum that is developed around their strengths and interests. Driven by instructional scaffolding, Heron School supports students to participate in rigorous coursework and prepares students for graduation and life after secondary school. Heron School students may struggle in a traditional school system setting socially, emotionally, and academically due to their unique gifts and neurodiversity…which is why Heron School utilizes a variety of classroom experiences such as one on one instruction, small classes with a 6:1 ratio, academic rigor, project-based courses, online coursework with oversight and facilitation, concurrent enrollment in college courses, ACT test prep, AP test prep, and an educational setting with minimal external stimulation.

Exceptionalities We Support

Exceptional students are considered gifted and/or talented and capable of high academic performance. They are typically engaged, driven, and display high achievement. Exceptional students are creative, sensitive, and seek both a breadth and depth of subject understanding. Exceptional students are often neurodiverse. These students may display a second exceptionality in the form of a learning difference such as ADHD, ASD, dyslexia, and anxiety. We celebrate this learner profile, and we specialize in providing accommodations that allow students to both enjoy learning and excel in their studies.

*Heron School is neither a therapeutic school nor a boarding school


our campus - Moab, Utah

Heron School is located in the heart of Moab, Utah. Moab is the gateway community to both Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. The campus is located just 3 blocks from Main Street, one block from the Grand County Public Library, and just a few blocks from the MARC (Moab Arts and Recreation Center), Star Hall, and the Moab City ballfields.

Additionally, the school is located next to the Sunflower Hill Inn, an iconic Moab property offering overnight accommodations to visitors of both the area and the school.

I have Aspergers, and that means I’m sometimes a bit different from the norm,” tweeted Greta Thunberg. “And – given the right circumstances – being different is a superpower.”


Please contact us if you have questions OR if you would like to make a referral on behalf of an exceptional student.

Head of School - emily@heronschool.com

c (435) 259-1659

Dean of Students - emilia@heronschool.com

c (435) 210-2152